Matt and Brittny came to dinner and then Ronda and I played Scramble with them. We played with one board but two games of letters.
With a stellar performance, Ronda as usual is once again champion of the competition. The fun was in sharing time, conversation, and socializing.
Tyler and Tosha came over and she removed the stitches in his arm. Tomorrow Tyler goes into surgery to have his finger operated on. Nerves, tendons, and muscle will be reattached. Ronda and I went over to his parents house with Tosha and he where Gary (his father) and I gave him a priesthood blessing. Reattaching nerves can take five years for them to grow back together. I believe that the blessings of Heavenly Father are evident in the amounts of knowledge available to us today, especially in medicine. Again our love, faith and prayers are with Tyler and Tosha.
Hi Dave! I am so happy you are on board with the blog. I am delighted to read and find out what is going on in Hyrum. It makes me feel a little closer to the action even though we are miles away. Thanks for blogging. And thanks to Tanielle for posting your blog as a link on her site so I could find it.
You are doing a FANTASTIC job. I'm enjoying your posts.
Thanks Sylvia! I'm not much of a writer but it is fun to blog. I started after Elder Eyring's conference talk.
What is your blog sight and e-mail address. Changing schools I have lost both. Love you!
I'm thankful for Elder Eyring's address then! Our website is and my personal email is We also have a mac email account
I love you too!
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