Thursday, June 2, 2011


We are on our way to Cedar City to watch Tiffany play soccer in her Special Olympics Games. We stopped in at an In and Out Burger joint in Spanish Fork for a Hamburger while Boston and Stetson did some planking. Stetson was laughing so hard he curled up. Boston gets a 10 for concentration and form. What incredible strength. He makes it look easy every time he does it.

Not bad for a four month old baby boy.

Location:This ones for Joel who introduced us to planking.


Sylvia said...

haahaahaa! that is awesome. I can't believe Boston is seriously holding himself that way!!

Tell Tiff Best of Luck and to go get 'em!! Sure love her!!!

Joel said...

Hahaha wow! I love plankers! This post is amazing! Almost as amazing as Boston's form, he is destined to become a professional planker one day!