Sunday, May 8, 2011

What a Great Mothers Day!

At 11:00 AM (7:00 PM Netherlands time) Brittny (Zuster Welch) Skyped us from her mission wishing Ronda happy Mother's Day. Hearing Dutch in the background was an awakening that she really was thousands of miles away in another corner of the world. For a little less than an hour it felt as if she was home again and yet it was so exciting hearing about the wonderful people she was teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and how receptive they were to its gospel principles.

We appreciate so much the kind family that invited her into their home and her missionary companion that we met briefly. Please convey our thanks and appreciation. Our hearts are full of gratitude to Lord for His watchful care over her and those He blesses her life through while she is so far from us.

Chantell and Joel cooked everyone breakfast. Her baby bump is growing and she looks beautiful. Tosha, Tyler and the boys came just in time to visit with Britt.

Later today, Ronda and I got to teach our granddaughters in Sunday School. It was so much fun. Our lesson was on the Sabbath Day and if we keep it holy the Lord will bless us that we will be "unspotted from the world". In other words we will remain clean and pure and worthy to enter into the Lord's presence in the next life. We sang primary songs, played thankful games, and enjoyed learning about Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Tanielle and the girls stayed for Mother's Day and we enjoyed each other all day long.

It's 8:00 PM and everything is again quiet.

Britt we miss you but love that you are an ambassador of our Savior and King.


Sylvia said...

That makes me so happy! I'm glad the day was so successful. Britt sounds happy, challenged and wonderful!!

Tanielle said...

Loved spending the weekend with you! We did so many fun things, I enjoyed it all! Miss you already!